Welcome to Our New Site!
October 16, 2015 | United Way Team

Our new website design makes it easier for you to find what you’re looking for and get in touch with us. We have taken great care to update, compile, and improve all of the information we share on these pages. Please take a moment to look around and enjoy the NEW United Way of East Central Iowa website!

What’s new:

  • Our site is now mobile friendly and organized by nonprofits, companies, and individuals — making it much easier for you to find content.
  • We offer our funded partners the opportunity to post their events on our events calendar. (If you are a United Way funded nonprofit partner click here to submit your event)
  • The donate online option received a major upgrade.
  • Our new blog will feature guest posts from community leaders and volunteers.
  • You can view live feed from our social media accounts.
  • Search for volunteer opportunities, track your volunteer hours, and more on our new Volunteer Now site.