Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Sharon Bertroche
April 26, 2016 | United Way Team

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you work? What do you do for fun?
I grew up on a farm in Northwestern Iowa. I started my family medicine practice right out of residency in 1988 and took over Dr. Paul Orcutt’s practice in Marion.

My husband Joe and I have three sons Tyler, Adam, and Eric. The whole family enjoys scuba diving. I also love yard work and gardening.

What’s something unique that people don’t know about you?
My sons were all Eagle Scouts, and I was the mom who went on the High Adventure trips with them. Some of our adventures included backpacking on a tropical deserted island, winter survival training, and backpacking in the Australian Outback. Until two years ago, I had a horse and went riding frequently.

What are your favorite activities in the community?
I thoroughly enjoy being on community boards/nonprofits. I have learned so much about our community and have been able to share my ideas and medical knowledge of health and prevention with them.

What are you most passionate about?
I’m passionate about teaching. I come from a long line of teachers in my family including my mom, sisters, aunts, and more. I consider myself a “teacher of health” and educate patients because I want to make sure they truly understand. When they lose weight and are able to change their health because they listened to what I taught them, it makes me so happy.

Why is volunteering so important to you?
I have always volunteered and its importance was instilled in me at an early age. Growing up in a small town, that’s what you do; you help anyone.

How did you decide to be involved with United Way?
At the time, I would visit all the local junior high schools to talk with students during their sex education sessions and help the teachers/students with the health and disease part of the conversation. I still visit three schools each year to talk about HPV.

Why did you join WLI?
I feel passionate about women’s health and see the needs women in our own community have on a daily basis.