The Knapps (L-R): Shilo, Nikki, and Jayden.
Shilo, Nikki, and Jayden Knapp attended this year’s Time for Art event in April. The family bid a combined 264 volunteer hours for the artwork they won, and each completed their hours by August. Read about why volunteering is important to them.
How did you complete your volunteer hours?
Shilo: I volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America as a Cub Scout leader, for UWECI during Day of Caring and as their Quarton Society Chair, and I am a volunteer coach for the Clear Creek Amana Trap team.
Nikki: The majority of my hours this spring and summer came from four different areas: UWECI Linn Area Partners Active in Disaster (LAP-AID) planning and meetings, website development for a Cedar County nonprofit, co-president of our school parent–teacher group, and website/concessions duties for the Clear Creek Amana Trap Team.
Jayden: I completed most of my hours by helping out in elementary schools in my school district. I also spent a week of my summer at the Cedar County Fairgrounds helping with their website, taking photos of events, and selling tickets for late night events.
Which pieces did you win at Time for Art? Where are you going to put your art?
Shilo: I received the Julius Caviera piece with the piano. It is hanging in our dining room.
Nikki: I won two macro-photography pieces—one of a butterfly, the other of a tree frog. They are on the wall in my home office. I have pieces from each year since Time for Art started (one I purchased from the artist because I didn’t win at the auction).
Jayden: I won two pieces: a skateboard with Audrey Hepburn painted on it and a maroon, red, and black checkerboard painting. I have my skateboard mounted above my bed in my room, but have not yet found a spot for the painting.
What does volunteering meant to you?
Shilo: Volunteering is critical to helping the community. Without volunteers, many programs wouldn’t run. Without these programs (youth sports, arts, education, etc.), many people would lack opportunities to learn, have fun, and interact with others.
Nikki: Volunteering is a way for me to make a positive impact on our community, big or small. Volunteering is part of our family’s life whether it is for school, sports, or for a community program.
Jayden: I think volunteering is the best way to show leadership in your community and give back. I find great pride in volunteering because I know I am making a difference in the lives of others.
Are you, or is someone you know, interested in donating your original artwork to Time for Art? Submit an RFP for a chance to be part of Time for Art on April 27, 2018!