Intern Spotlight: Amy Swanson
August 9, 2016 | United Way Team

Amy Swanson, second from right, with her family.

Welcome to Our United Way Team, Amy!
Amy Swanson recently joined United Way of East Central Iowa’s as a summer HR intern to help out with AmeriCorps interviews and enrollment. Get to know her by reading the Q&A below.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What do you do for fun?
I’m currently in college and like to hang out with friends and explore Cedar Rapids. We either end up watching Netflix or walk to Newbo market.

How are you involved in the community?
I do volunteer work at many places with my sorority. In the past, I’ve done work for Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, Boys & Girls Club, and Gems of Hope. In my hometown, I have volunteered at my church, Habitat for Humanity, and a local animal shelter.

What’s something unique that people don’t know about you?
I have never broken a bone or needed stiches other than getting my wisdom teeth out. I have sprained my neck twice, twisted my ankle, and hurt my shoulder, but never needed anything more than a brace and lots of physical therapy.

What do you love most about working at United Way?
I enjoy getting to know the full time staff. I do a variety of tasks and each day is different.

What is your biggest accomplishment/something you’re proud of from your time at United Way?
With the help and support of my professors and family, I landed this internship. After switching my major and adding a double major and a minor, I will still graduate on time and with this internship, fulfill all the requirements. At United Way, I helped with orientation and training of about 20 AmeriCorps members.

What was your biggest take away from your intern experience?
Put yourself out there. The only way to gain experience and learn is by taking risks and doing things you may not think you’ll enjoy or be good at.

What advice would you give any future interns?
Be proud of the work you do and all your accomplishments. It may not seem like much at the time, but the work you do is important.

How has your experience in this program affected your plans for your future?
My internship has only solidified my future plans. I want to be a Human Resources Manager and eventually go to grad school for Human Resources, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, or Business Management.