On Thursday, March 8, we held our event, Game Changers: A Year in Review, at the Cedar Rapids Marriott. Game Changers work to break the cycle of poverty as United Way fights for the education, financial stability, and health of every person in our community. This event was a great opportunity to recognize individuals and companies who participated in our annual campaign and celebrate our shared accomplishments.
First, President & CEO, Tim Stiles recapped the last year here at United Way and announced winners of our Annual Awards:
- John B. Northcott Award: Jon Bancks
Community Philanthropist Award: Jared and Carol Hills
- Young Leaders Award: Brooke Lentz
Next, our Campaign Co-Chairs, Anne Carter and Kate Minette listed a few ways last year’s campaign made important strides for our community:
- Education: In partnership with HACAP, the RED Ahead program distributed 10,426 books to children.
- Financial Stability: Taxpayers received $3.35 million in refunds through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
- Health: FamilyWize and United Way worked together to help Iowans receive $67,032 in prescription savings.
- Volunteerism: Volunteers committed 66,730 volunteer hours worth $1.61 million.
All of these examples lead to more than $12 million reinvested into the community. Thank you for your role in making this possible for East Central Iowa.
Afterwards, Anne and Kate helped us announce this year’s Campaign Award winners. Congratulations to the following individuals and companies:
- Agency Speaker of the Year: Brian Stutzman, YPN
- Outstanding Creative Company: Climate Engineers
- Outstanding Small Company: ETS
- Outstanding Large Company: hibu
- Company Coordinators of the Year:
- Legal: Amy Cosgrove, Shuttleworth & Ingersoll
Education: Nancy Olinger, Kirkwood Community College
Manufacturing: Amber Doyle, Crystal Group
Contractors: Hazel Jacobsen, Paulson Electric
Financial: Amy Sauter, Jean Bird, Teri Copler and Elizabeth Farmer; TrueNorth Companies
Health: Louanne Neville, Health Enterprises Iowa
Wholesale/Retail: Diana Montgomery and Sharon Wagner, McGrath
Nonprofit: Bri Kim, African American Museum
Labor: Angel Vicente, PMX Industries
Services: Jennifer Jackson, HR Green
Finally, we introduced our incoming campaign co-chairs. Andrew (Acumen Benefit Advisors), Darrel (Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PLC), and Paul Morf (Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PLC) will lead the charge next year for United Way.
Thank you all for your support and joining the fight for our community. Together, we will continue to act as game changers for East Central Iowa.