National Volunteer Month: Jones County
Amy Keltner is our Jones County Volunteer Center Coordinator. Learn more about how the center and its volunteers truly make a difference for rural families.
Great Rivers Conference 2018
Jessica Whitfield, Senior Manager of Education, attended United Way of Wisconsin’s annual Great Rivers Conference. Learn about her experiences and how they help strengthen our work in East Central Iowa.
Deep Dive: Mental Health
Through her research with our Community Building team, student intern, Alexa Ravetti, takes a deeper look at mental health in East Central Iowa.
Time for Art: New Artist Spotlight
Each year, local artists donate their work to Time for Art's silent auction. Read our blog to view some of these artists and the work they donated.
New YLS Chair: Whitney Pino
Whitney Pino, Van Meter, is our 2018 Young Leaders Society (YLS). Learn more about her and why she is involved with YLS and United Way.
Game Changers: A Year in Review Recap
On Thursday, March 8, we held our event, Game Changers: A Year in Review. Read this blog for a summary and for winners of our Annual and Campaign Awards.
AmeriCorps Week: What YAA Means to Me
Youth Achievement AmeriCorps members provide support to low-income children and families. Celebrate National AmeriCorps Week by thanking those who #getthingsdone.
Community Engagement and Equity
UWECI Manager of Health, Ana Clymer, shares her takeaways from the Nexus' Community Engagement Institute on what community engagement truly means and the role it places in building equity.