School Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
What is chronic absenteeism, and how does it affect young students in our communities?
Outstanding Volunteer Awards Recap
On Friday, April 15 we hosted our annual Outstanding Volunteer Awards event.
Time for Art Recap
Time for Art made a difference in our community by auctioning off local artwork for volunteer hours.
Get to Know Our President, Lois Buntz
In honor of President's Day, we'd like to feature our own President/CEO, Lois Buntz. Click here to learn more about Lois's guitar lessons and the best advice she's ever received.
Campaign Celebration 2015 Results
We're happy to announce that together we raised a total of $10,318,151. Not only did you help us reach and surpass our campaign goal, but also more importantly your support made a difference to more people and improved more lives:
End of Year Giving
The end of the year is a busy time for nonprofits. More than one-quarter of all charitable contributions are made every December. Contributions are deductible in the year you make them, so be sure and get your gift in by December 31.
United We Dine 2015
Stop in and enjoy coffee, lunch or dinner and support United Way at Bistro on the River December 8-11.
'Tis the Campaign Season
United Way of East Central Iowa celebrated the beginning of campaign season with a week of kick-off events in September.