Our Program Stories
One in nine people in United Way's five-county service area struggle with hunger. Let's Stop the Growl! Read stories from our programs and see the impact.
Advocating for Change
Professor Robert D. Putnam, Harvard University, spoke at United Way's Annual Meeting in June. He set the context and confirmed priorities for United Way’s work in the community.
School Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
What is chronic absenteeism, and how does it affect young students in our communities?
Summer Learning Loss
According to the National Summer Learning Association, most students lose about two months of math computation skills during summer break. This summer, United Way teams up with local partners to help prevent this education gap
Cedar Rapids Joins Nationwide Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Cedar Rapids is taking a big step toward improving student success by joining the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (GLR), a nationwide movement to increase early reading proficiency.